Tuesday, December 25, 2018
A special thank you to all of you who've supported me by purchasing my arts, Jewelry crafts, (and now my how I did it books) for the past 53 years... And also you who've shared your LIKES and COMMENTS.. I wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS for without you, there would be no me... ALL PRAISES TO OUR CREATOR.
Now My Today's QUIZ:
What make, or encourage people to read books?
1st I wish to Thank U all for your Holidays Greeting... And wish you all the same.
"This morning while watching a former PEACE CORP director, Jody Olsen on C-Span discussing Ghana & Africa, before the www days; I was reminded of those EARLY PIONEERS.. 1960 & 70’s.
I know, All most of you can say is “WOW!
" MY SANKOFA” aka (To return and fetch it.) but the following statement is a little insight.
After my 1st 3 months in Accra When a Ghanaian asked
"how long you stay in Ghana? I’ll say I’ll keep long.”
Then they would suggest that I should go to BUSH and find my ancestors, Go to Ashanti-land.
So I went...
I never dreamed it was in me to until I ventured outside of the BOX I had been born in.
( It was a born again experience)
And Btw; :2 years ago via DNA, I learned that the very tribe that adoptive me in 1966, the Ashanti Akim, are the root of my ancestors. via 83%.
See details:

Saturday, December 1, 2018
76 years ago (age9) a Pullman Porter, by the name of Mr. Ross, gave me a book about the adventures of Matthew Henson (a north pole explorer) which LIBERATED MY MIND to think outside of the box that I, and so many others were confined during the 1930’s & 40’s… Again, Thank you much Mr. Ross.
Bottomline: GIVE A BOOK that’ll enhance a young mind and encourage them to pursuit their dreams.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Artist & Author of; Coffee Table Art-journal E-Books & POD Paperbacks.
Note; Jazz Vocalist Diva Dee Alexander in the background. ;-)
My Questions; Concerning Online books Purchasing?
Which is more relevant to the lack of purchasing books online?
1; Is it the lack of interest in books?
2; The fear of ordering books using credit cards? *
3; The subject of the book?
4; Or the author’s Ethnicity?
** Btw; I have and use a separate (limited amount $ debit card or PayPal) for all online businesses.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Wu Tang's racist censorship by Good Morning America - Dr Boyce breaks it...
A Movie Scriptwriter* once told me that, although your life adventures is very enlightening, as is many Black Americans, y’all histories is just to revealing and CONTRADICTORY; thus making it UNMARKETABLE..
However, they did publishes the manuscript.. WHAT’S A COMMIE EVER DONE TO BLACK PEOPLE?”
However with today’s technology I can SELF-PUBLISH via Amazon, & etc; then promote it. ;-) Problem is, encouraging my people to purchase non-fictions his/torical memoirs by other Blacks... That hasn’t been authenticated by white folks. :-(
Which remind’s me of when the AMERICAN-Indian asked the White-moviemaker why he was aways betrayed as the Bad Guys & Savages, and the moviemakers just told him;
“Hey man, when you start writing your own his/tories and making your own movies, you can be the good guys and the heroes, she/roes and greatest. ”
Meanwhile we'll keep to (the singing & the & the dancing & the Oh Lord, woe is me, movies
“Hey man, when you start writing your own his/tories and making your own movies, you can be the good guys and the heroes, she/roes and greatest. ”
Meanwhile we'll keep to (the singing & the & the dancing & the Oh Lord, woe is me, movies
Saturday, September 22, 2018
While growing up, (prior to age 9) I was continually told what i could not do because of my race. It was a very frustrating time of my life. However, at the age of nine, a Pullman Porter, Mr. Ross

;-) gave me a book of an African-American explorer, Mr. Matthew Henson, which freed my mind to believe that i could do or be whatever I desired."
For Details read books below:


Online Galleries: http://mysankofa2012.artspan.com/
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
"The Artist's Odyssey”.
11” x 8-1/2” coffee table book contains 200 plus pages of photographs of my artworks dating from 1957 to the present.
Available; Ebook & Paperbacks, POD
The Artist Statement
Mr. Morrow is an Artist, Author and Freelance-Photographer. He was born in Chicago, 1933. His family later moved to Buchanan, Michigan. As a kid, he was continually told what he could not do because of his race. It was a very frustrating time of his life. However, at the age of nine, a Pullman Porter named Mr. Ross gave him a book which was the bio of an African-American, Matthew Henson, an American explorer. This changed the course of his life. It freed his mind to believe that he could do or be whatever he desired to do.
At age 17, living with his mother and six younger siblings, he convinced his mother he could help her more if she would sign a consent for him to join the U. S. Army. He assured her that while in the military he would continue his education.
Shortly after basic training, he heard of the so call police-action taking place in Korea. Like many other adventure seeking young soldiers, Curtis Morrow volunteered for duties there not realizing the reality of a war.
After 9 months of combat service on the frontline, 2 purple hearts, and other combat related metals, 2 ½ years as a U. S. Paratrooper station in Southern Japan.. In 1954 Mr. Morrow was honorable discharged from U. S. Army.
Online interviews @; U-tube:>
On his return to America, he attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago from 1957 to 1959. He later studied under Professor Augusta Nall, an instructor at the Washington Park Community Center.. Morrow was grateful that he was chosen as his understudy. He credits Professor Nall with not only teaching the fundamental of art but how to live and think like an artist.
After 4 years under the tutelage of Gus Nall, Morrow relocated to New York to develop his own style. While there (1962 to 1965) he became disillusioned with the social and political situation.
It was during the this time, Morrow decided to relocate to Ghana, West Africa.
He lived in Ghana for eleven (11) years, 1965 to 1976. After being adopted and renamed, (Kojo-Achampong) by an Ashanti Paramount Chief, Nana Kwaku Duah.
Mr. Morrow was introduced to the art of jewelry making by carving traditional jewelry from cow-horns and ivory. Learning this trade not only enabled him to earn a living but also to employ several Ghanaian who in turn taught him their traditional customs and languages.
On his return to America in 1976, Mr. Morrow aka “Kojo,” applied his carving skill into wax-carving of jewelry designs, known as; jewelry model-making gand lost wax casting
After 35 years of jewelry designing and lost-wax casting, I have returned to my first love, oil painting and photography.”
Now, in my 80 plus years, I plan to spend the remaining of my years, cataloging my works of art & photography.
See Slideshow for texts and picture books contents below
Each picture book contains 200 pages of the Artist's arts & travel-photos from 1966 to the present date 2016.
Enjoy. & SHARE.
Curtis "Kojo" Morrow
Artist, Author, Photographer
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Monday, April 30, 2018
'Kocoa' (Original art by Curtis Kojo Morrow)
In 1965 (while living in Africa & thereafter) I found myself in a position where I was solely depending on the art of craftsmanship, craving cow-horns, ivory & etc) for my livelihood not only support myself but to provide employment for 2 to 3 other people; which I manage to do. Now whenever I am asked or consider the idea of exhibiting in art fairs & etc; the question become is it, or would it be for MONEY or ENTERTAINMENT for others? Sure, the creation of custom designed jewelry was always a WIN WIN, but that was 35 years ago… As for the visual art paintings, that’s another thing? It’s a labor of love. ;-) As is photography for my enjoyment only. Sadly there’s times when in need of something to paint on, semi-finish paintings are painted over, as have been practice by fellow artist for centuries.
'Kocoa' (Original art by Curtis Kojo Morrow): Due to special requests I have decided to include Portraitures of seniors,, attached is a few works either finish, or in progress. Would appreciate your opinions..
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
The Artist’s Odyssey
"THE ARTIST'S ODYSSEY" Contains over 180 photos of my creative-arts, dating from the late 1960’s to the present 2018, as E-books, & PAPERBACK ON DEMAND, the Photo-Album is an INSPIRATION for other artists.
Check it out::
Enjoy, Share & be inspired..

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