"The Artist's Odyssey”.
11” x 8-1/2” coffee table book contains 200 plus pages of photographs of my artworks dating from 1957 to the present.
Available; Ebook & Paperbacks, POD
The Artist Statement
Mr. Morrow is an Artist, Author and Freelance-Photographer. He was born in Chicago, 1933. His family later moved to Buchanan, Michigan. As a kid, he was continually told what he could not do because of his race. It was a very frustrating time of his life. However, at the age of nine, a Pullman Porter named Mr. Ross gave him a book which was the bio of an African-American, Matthew Henson, an American explorer. This changed the course of his life. It freed his mind to believe that he could do or be whatever he desired to do.
At age 17, living with his mother and six younger siblings, he convinced his mother he could help her more if she would sign a consent for him to join the U. S. Army. He assured her that while in the military he would continue his education.
Shortly after basic training, he heard of the so call police-action taking place in Korea. Like many other adventure seeking young soldiers, Curtis Morrow volunteered for duties there not realizing the reality of a war.
After 9 months of combat service on the frontline, 2 purple hearts, and other combat related metals, 2 ½ years as a U. S. Paratrooper station in Southern Japan.. In 1954 Mr. Morrow was honorable discharged from U. S. Army.
Online interviews @; U-tube:>
On his return to America, he attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago from 1957 to 1959. He later studied under Professor Augusta Nall, an instructor at the Washington Park Community Center.. Morrow was grateful that he was chosen as his understudy. He credits Professor Nall with not only teaching the fundamental of art but how to live and think like an artist.
After 4 years under the tutelage of Gus Nall, Morrow relocated to New York to develop his own style. While there (1962 to 1965) he became disillusioned with the social and political situation.
It was during the this time, Morrow decided to relocate to Ghana, West Africa.
He lived in Ghana for eleven (11) years, 1965 to 1976. After being adopted and renamed, (Kojo-Achampong) by an Ashanti Paramount Chief, Nana Kwaku Duah.
Mr. Morrow was introduced to the art of jewelry making by carving traditional jewelry from cow-horns and ivory. Learning this trade not only enabled him to earn a living but also to employ several Ghanaian who in turn taught him their traditional customs and languages.
On his return to America in 1976, Mr. Morrow aka “Kojo,” applied his carving skill into wax-carving of jewelry designs, known as; jewelry model-making gand lost wax casting
After 35 years of jewelry designing and lost-wax casting, I have returned to my first love, oil painting and photography.”
Now, in my 80 plus years, I plan to spend the remaining of my years, cataloging my works of art & photography.
See Slideshow for texts and picture books contents below
Each picture book contains 200 pages of the Artist's arts & travel-photos from 1966 to the present date 2016.
Enjoy. & SHARE.
Curtis "Kojo" Morrow
Artist, Author, Photographer
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